April 25, 2013

sejarah dalam kartu Remi

ternyata gambar2 di kartu remi tuh punya arti loh dalam sejarah,,,
Raja Sekop: David/Daud
Raja Hati: Charles (possibly Charlemagne, or Charles VII)
Raja Wajik: Julius Caesar
Raja Keritings: Alexander the Great
Ratu Sekop: Pallas
Ratu Hati: Judith
Ratu Wajik: Rachel (either biblical, historical (see Charles above), or mythical as a corruption of the Celtic Ragnel, relating to Lancelot below)
Ratu Keritings: Argine (possibly an anagram of regina, which is Latin for queen, or perhaps Argea, wife of Polybus and mother of Argus)
Satria/jack Sekop: Ogier the Dane/Holger Danske (a knight of Charlemagne)
Satria/jack Hati: La Hire (comrade-in-arms to Joan of Arc, and member of Charles VII's court)
Satria/jack Wajik: Hector
Satria/jack Keritings: Judas Maccabeus, or Lancelot
Ga nyangka ternyata kartu remi yang sering kita mainkan itu punya arti sejarah yang lumayan penting. ^^

Letter from father

courage is not the absence of fear
but rather than the judgement that something else is more important than fear
the brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all
from now on, you'll be traveling the road
between who you think you are and who you can be
the key is to allow yourself to make the journey

*princess diaries the movie

She who says she can and she who says she can’t ......are both usually right

24/04/2013 22:35
She who says she can and she who says she can’t ......are both usually right (adapted from Confucius in Will Smith talk)

Somehow, today the universe brings me to this beautiful quote. I come to internet cafe and because I have more free time after getting into a distraction in the beginning, I downloaded some motivational speech YouTube video. One of the video is about motivational sharing from Will Smith. I don’t need to say who he is, because I know you all know him from many wonderful movies he acted in. In one part, he quote this words “he who says he can and he who says he can’t ......are both usually right”, n I’m really inspired with this words. I put myself as the subject, and for sure I choose to be the subject of the first clause.