June 30, 2012

RPP Speaking SMA

Lesson Plan
1.      SMA                                       : SMA ANGKASA
2.      Subject                                    : English
3.      Grade/ Semester                      : XI/ 2
4.      Meeting                                   : 9
5.      Time Allocation                        : 2 x 45 menit
6.      Skill                                         : Speaking
7.      Standard of Competence         :
3. Students are able to express meaning in transactional and interpersonal dialogues to interact with their environment.
8.      Basic Competence                  :
3.1.Students are able to express meanings in transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (with social contacts) dialogues to interact with their environment that involve expressions of asking and giving opinion in accurate, fluent, and appropriate ways.
9.      Goal                            :
At the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to use the expressions of asking and giving opinion in their daily life appropriately, accurately, and fluently.

10.  Indicators                    :
1)   Completing dialogue with the correct words and expression related to asking and giving opinion.
2)   Reading aloud the dialogue with a correct pronounciation.
3)   Identifying the expresion of asking and giving opinion
4)   Acting with the expression of asking and giving opinion in front of the class appropriately, accurately, and fluently.

11.  Material                       :
Asking Opinion
Giving opinion
·         What is your opinion?
·         What do you think of...?
·         How do you feel about…?
·         How do you see …?
I think …
I believe …
I feel …
It seems to me …

Task 1:
Complete the dialogue below using correct words available!

Interviewer        : Hey guys! Nice to see you again. Welcome back in the “Young    
                            Learners” Program. I’m Lala, your host. Guys, this time I’d like to
                          interview a high school student, named Melissa. Good morning, Melissa.
Melissa              : Good morning, Lala. Morning guys. Nice to see you.
Interviewer        : Well, guys. In this occasion we’d talk about an interesting topic. Guess what it is…..uhuh…….it’s HOMEWORK! Okay, Melissa do your teachers always give you homework to do at home ?

I have changed, in a positive way....

Menurutku foto tuh seperti diary visual yang ketika kita liat lagi,banyak hal yg dapat diceritakan kembali,banyak memori yang terbuka....
Hari ini, tiba2 aku dikejutkan dengan foto perpisahan sma dulu,n mulailah aku menelusuri foto2 q dari dulu ke dulu, mulai sma,awal kuliah,sampe yg terupdate....n yg terucap adalah, “I have changed,in a positive way....”
Bukan berubah sih, lebih tepatnya berkembang, aku masih tetap sama, istilahnya kalo dulu sisi2 positif aku tertutupi oleh banyak noda, saat ini sedikit2 demi sedikit mulai menampak diri (ihirrrr......)
Ku boleh pede bilang  berkembang kalo q bisa kasih bukti perbandingan titik awal n titik terkini dengan grafik meninggi.Begini kisahnya...dimulai dari foto sma,,,,OMG,I used to be C.U.P.U alias cupu,katrok, ga gaul,,,,parah!!! Rambut berantakan,pake baju kegedean berantakan ga keren( krn ada jg yg berantakan tp ttp keren,but it wasn’t me),senyumnya ketahan  kepaksa,dan dan dan sudah cukup,ga perlu dipertegas lagi, pokoknya intinya cupu, bayangin aja cewek cupu kecil yang ada di sma km, mirip2 gitu lah. Setelah lulus aku sempet